Haseya’s New Beginning Heartworm Treatment Protocol
We understand heartworm treatment can be scary! We hope this information can help you get through the journey with your new pet. Please read and if you have any questions text or call us anytime!
Day 1: We will schedule your appointment at Crowley Vet Hospital where you will drop off your pet for a “heartworm work up.” The vets will do a chest X-ray, bloodwork, give a Proheart shot injection https://www.proheart6.com/, and send you home with doxycycline (https://www.heartwormsociety.org/newsroom/in-the-news/486-ahs-heartworm-hotline-wolbachia-and-heartworm-why-doxycycline-is-needed-in-heartworm-treatment)
to be given twice daily for 60 days.
Day 60: We will remind you of your upcoming appointment at Crowley Vet Hospital. You will drop your dog off in the morning and she/he will get his/her first immiticide injection (we use diroban. (https://www.diroban.com/index.aspx)
And will have to stay over night.
The first immiticide injection starts to kill the adult heartworms living in your dog's body.
Restrict exercise. This requirement might be difficult to adhere to, especially if your dog is accustomed to being active. But your dog’s normal physical activities must be restricted as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed, because physical exertion increases the rate at which the heartworms cause damage in the heart and lungs. The more severe the symptoms, the less activity your dog should have.
Day 90: We will remind you of your upcoming appointment at Crowley Vet Hospital. You will drop your dog off in the morning and he/she will receive his/her second immiticide injection and will have to stay two nights at the vet's office.
Day 120: We will remind you of your upcoming appointment at Crowley Vet Hospital. Your
pet will be retested for heartworms. Your pet will now have to stay on heartworm prevention for the remainder of his/her life.
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